Lecture Overview
Endodontic therapy is carried out regularly in everyday dentistry, and a satisfactory restoration after the completion of the root canal treatment is not only mandatory, but also critical to the overall success of the treatment. Teeth requiring endodontic treatment need to be assessed restoratively prior to initiating endodontic care because even when root canal treatment is done to perfection, clinical success is inconsequential if the tooth cannot be properly restored.
The lecture aims to:
- Guide practitioners through the clinical decisions to restore root canal treated teeth using contemporary materials, post material selection, posterior indirect restorations of different designs and cementation techniques.
- Review the biomechanics behind predictable restoration of endodontically treated teeth, how to assess the tooth prior to initiation of endodontic treatment, and factors that improve treatment success.
For more information, please whatsapp 6906 8688 or email education@dontiaalliance.com.

Dental Specialist in Prosthodontics

Dental Specialist in Prosthodontics
27 Jun 2023
6.30pm to 8.30pm
Dentists within
10 years post graduation
Registration Fee
Dontia Education
1 Venture Avenue
Perennial Business City
#01-10 Singapore 608521
(Lift Lobby A)
*Registration to open on 2 Jun
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