Successful Dental Practice Transitions: Buy, Sell or Merge?

Successful Dental Practice Transitions: Buy, Sell or Merge?

Global Novas • Passion for Excellence

Lecture Overview

Practice transitions may often be complicated to navigate. Whether you are looking to expand your practice through acquisition or merger or selling your practice, it would be useful to understand the challenges of practice transition and appreciate the business and practical considerations necessary to ensure a successful and timely transition for all parties involved. Having the knowledge required to competently enter preliminary discussions regarding prospective opportunities, collaborate efficiently with stakeholders, and understand the rights and liabilities created in the process, will allow both buyers and sellers to maximize the value and transfer of patient goodwill, and potentially minimize the legal and financial risks involved during the transition.


The lecture will provide insights to the thinking, motivation, and focuses of both buyers and sellers to achieve win-win collaborations, discuss the potential challenges and considerations during the entire process of the various practice transition scenarios, the options and strategies and deal structures available, the pitfalls to avoid when preparing for practice transition, as well as identifying the critical objectives and financing options when planning for practice transition.


The lecture aims to:


  • Discuss the business considerations and strategies to prepare for the various transition options
  • Recognise and understand the various deal structures in practice transitions
  • Evaluate the various financing options available to accomplish a successful transaction
  • Share the nuances of practice valuation
  • Understand the motivations and needs of buyers and sellers and determine the pitfalls to avoid
  • Review due diligence considerations
  • Structure win-win agreements that is fair and enhance goodwill value for all stakeholders
  • Discuss ways to reduce exposure to legal and financial risks

For more information, please whatsapp 6906 8688 or email


Dr. Wong Keng Mun

Dental Specialist in Prosthodontics



16 Feb 2023



6.30pm to 8.30pm



Dentists with more than

10 years’ experience post-graduation

Registration Fee





T32 Auditorium
Camden Medical Centre
1 Orchard Boulevard
Level 17

*Registration to open on 13 Jan

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