Dental Sleep

Dental Sleep Medicine

We have collaborated with T32 Dental Specialists to provide dental sleep medicine that focuses on the use of oral appliance therapy to treat sleep-disordered breathing, including snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Do you experience:

Daytime Sleepiness

Excessive daytime sleepiness could be a sign of disrupted sleep caused by underlying issues like obstructive sleep apnea.

Daytime Sleepiness

Poor Concentration at work?

Poor sleep quality can significantly impact your ability to concentrate and process information efficiently, affecting your performance and overall well-being.

Poor Concentration at work?

Gasping for air in the middle of the night?

This unsettling experience could be a sign that your airway is becoming blocked during sleep, a key symptom of sleep apnea. Left untreated, this condition can lead to serious health risks.

Gasping for air in the middle of the night?

Snoring at night & disturbing your partner?

While snoring might seem harmless, it can be a warning sign of sleep-related breathing disorders, which might require medical attention.

Snoring at night & disturbing your partner?

How Snoring Happens?

When the flow of air from your mouth or nose to the lungs makes the tissues of the airway vibrate, snoring occurs. Snoring occurs when you are at rest or sleeping. It also happens when there is a blockage (obstruction) or narrowing in the nose, mouth, or throat (airway).

At times, you can snore so loud that it keeps your partner awake, which might also affect your ability to get restful sleep. Your sleep quality may be affected, eventually resulting in daytime sleepiness.

If your snoring affects your sleep and nothing is being done about it, you might suffer from high blood pressure. Snoring may lead to upper respiratory resistance syndrome or Sleep Apnea, which is a serious condition if left untreated.


If you or your partner is experiencing any of these symptoms, you may be suffering from a disorder called Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
A recent 2016 study has found that “1 out of 3 Singaporeans suffer from OSA, with most of the cases undiagnosed.”**

Should you be worried about Snoring?

Snoring is considered a significant indicator of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), amongst other symptoms.

80% of moderate & severe OSA cases go undetected.

If untreated, this illness can lead to:

  • Drug-resistant hypertension (83%)
  • Obesity (77%)
  • Congestive heart failure (76%)
  • Coronary artery eye disease (76%)
  • Diabetics (59%)
  • Erectile Dysfunction (40%)
  • Behavioural problems, such as ADHD in children

“According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine*, 40% of men snore regularly while 24% of women are frequent snorers.”

Dentists may provide solutions to help with snoring problems

Simple, Non-Invasive Solution to manage Snoring! Portable, convenient & customised snoring appliances!

Clinically Proven

91% of patients reported improvement in sleep quality after wearing a snoring appliance, SomnoDent¹. More than 15 independent studies have shown significant clinical benefits.

¹AM / Respir Crit Care Med Vol 163. Pp 1457-1461, 2001

Custom-fit & Adaptable

Prescribed snoring appliances are made using dental impressions of your teeth, ensuring a fit unique to your mouth. The snoring appliances can be customised to fit your mouth if you have dental implants, bridgework, or wear dentures.

Non-Restrictive & Durable

You can speak, drink, open and close your mouth while wearing the snoring appliances. These snoring appliances are also made of high-quality material that ensures durability. They are one of the strongest appliances currently available, suitable for teeth grinders.

Treatment Flow


  • Understand your family history, health habits and symptoms
  • Clinical examination (diagnostic X-Ray, Lateral CEPH / OPG)


  • Discussion on treatment plan for management of snoring
  • Home-based sleep study to further analyse sleeping pattern
  • Test results signed off by Sleep Apnea trained ENT


  • Review sleep test results
  • Take dental impression if individual is suitable for snoring appliances
  • Issue of customised snoring appliances

Meet the Dental Specialists

Dr David Tay

Dr. David Tay Kheng Lip
Dental Specialist in Prosthodontics

BDS (Singapore)
MS (Northwestern, USA)
Cert. Prosthodontics (Northwestern, USA)
FAMS (Prosthodontics)

Dr Valerie Tey Hwee Shinn

Dr. Valerie Tey Hwee Shinn
Dental Specialist in Prosthodontics

BDS (Singapore)
MDS (Prosthodontics) (Singapore)
M Pros RCS (Edinburgh)
International Certificant of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine

Make an Appointment

Fill in your details for a non-obligatory appointment with our dentists.

Where to find us

One Orchard Blvd
Level 17 Camden Medical Centre
Singapore 248649

Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm
Saturdays: 9am-1pm
Sun/Pub Hol: Closed