Foolproof, Fast Single Crown Procedure

Foolproof, Fast Single Crown Procedure

Dontia Alliance Study Club


Fixed prosthodontics is a major part of general dentistry and the prosthodontic specialty. Most general dentists treat patients with crowns or fixed bridges on almost every clinical day. The clinical procedures should be relatively simple, fast, and predictable.


Scanning and in-office milling are great, but most dentists may still choose conventional procedures and having the lab scan the impressions and make the restorations. The best, well-proven materials, devices, and techniques will make this conventional procedure predictable and accomplished in just minutes.


The session aims to share and discuss the following:


  • The importance of fixed prosthodontics (crowns and bridges) in your practice
  • Making fixed prosthodontic procedures fast, easy, better, less expensive, and predictable
  • Ways to make a crown
  • A comparison of commonly used crown types
  • A comparison of current crown types
  • Differences in a tooth preparation design for a zirconia crown and a lithium disilicate crown
  • Postoperative follow-up and recare

For more information, please whatsapp 6906 8688 or email


Dr Bruce Lee Chi Hong

Dr. Bruce Lee Chi Hong

Dental Surgeon

Dr. Jeffrey Seow Kim Bock

Dr. Jeffrey Seow Kim Bock

Dental Surgeon



28 July 2022



6.30pm to 8.30pm



Open to dentists

from partner clinics



T32 Auditorium
Camden Medical Centre
1 Orchard Boulevard
Level 17

*Registration to open at the start of the month

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