Atraumatic Removal of Teeth – Erupted and Impacted & Easy Third-Molar Extractions

Atraumatic Removal of Teeth - Erupted and Impacted & Easy Third-Molar Extractions

Dontia Alliance Study Club


When tooth removal is indicated, the speed and ease of removal will affect the success of implants, pontics, or removable dentures.


Removing impacted third molars is similar to typical “surgical” extractions — something general dentists do on a regular basis. It involves the same instruments, the same care of hard and soft tissues, the same patient management, and other similarities. A review of the complications, their prevention and management will allow Third-molar extraction to be a predictable part of general practice.


The session aims to share and discuss the following to help you achieve greater success with treatment following tooth removal and Third-Molar Extractions:


  • New tooth removal methods compared with conventional ones
  • Maintenance of bone for implant placement and optimum pontic form
  • Efficient tooth removal to keep you on schedule
  • Clinical tips to prevent or manage complications
  • Preventing pain after multiple extractions
  • Procedure for moderate-complexity third-molar extraction
  • A step-by-step live demonstration of “surgical” extractions
  • Maxillary 3rd Molar Surgery
  • Mandibular 3rd Molar Surgery
  • Postoperative Care

For more information, please whatsapp 6906 8688 or email


Dr. Jeffrey Seow Kim Bock

Dr. Jeffrey Seow Kim Bock

Dental Surgeon

Dr Bruce Lee Chi Hong

Dr. Bruce Lee Chi Hong

Dental Surgeon



26 May 2022



6.30pm to 8.30pm



Open to dentists

from partner clinics



T32 Auditorium
Camden Medical Centre
1 Orchard Boulevard
Level 17

*Registration to open at the start of the month

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