Lecture Overview
The need for removal prostheses is expected to increase with an aging population, especially since tooth replacement with implants may not be appropriate for many due to high cost, anatomical variations or medical reasons. Poor design and fit of removal prostheses results in pain and discomfort, leading to general patient dissatisfaction and non-compliance. Creating great removable prostheses requires more than just a basic understanding of making accurate denture impressions and obtaining proper records.
This lecture aims to:
- Introduce clinicians to the latest advances in complete dentures
- Discuss fabrication methods of dentures
- Share the clinical and laboratory steps in providing removable prostheses for patients
- Discuss the importance of tooth preparation and surveying
- Share the skills required for predictable denture construction
For more information, please whatsapp 6906 8688 or email education@dontiaalliance.com.

Dental Specialist in Prosthodontics

Dental Specialist in Prosthodontics
30 May 2024
6.30pm to 8.30pm
Dentists within
10 years post graduation
Registration Fee
T32 Auditorium
Camden Medical Centre
1 Orchard Boulevard
Level 17
*Registration to open on 9 May
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