Management of Endodontic Pain and the Cracked Tooth

Management of Endodontic Pain and the Cracked Tooth

Global Novas • Passion for Excellence

Lecture Overview

Endodontics is not just about how well we clean and obturate a tooth, the kinds of instruments, irrigants, and medicaments we use, or even the techniques employed in root canal therapy or root surgery. It’s also about patient management. Often, the patient at the receiving end of our handpiece is in a state of pain and distress. Therefore, upon diagnosing the problem, it becomes the dentists’ responsibility to manage that pain effectively.

One of the most common dental issues, and a frequent cause of pain, is a cracked tooth.

This lecture aims to equip participants with practical tips for managing endodontic pain and includes a comprehensive section on all aspects of cracked teeth.

The lecture aims to:

  • Pain pathways
  • Strategies for managing endodontic pain and their mechanisms of action
  • Common clinical scenarios and the decision-making processes related to pain management
  • Intracanal medicaments
  • Clinical presentations of cracked teeth
  • Diagnosis and treatment of cracked teeth
  • Managing patient expectations

For more information, please whatsapp 6906 8688 or email



Dr. Poh Yu Jin

Dental Specialist in Endodontics



16 Jun 2024 (Registration Open)

14 Dec 2023 (Registration Closed)



6.30pm to 8.30pm

Registration Fee





Dontia Digital Innovations
1 Venture Avenue
Perennial Business City
#01-10 Singapore 608521
(Lift Lobby A)

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