The Challenge of Reprocessing Medical Devices. Get it Right!
Guest Talk in collaboration with QST Technologies
Lecture Overview
Asepsis involves complex procedures and protocols, which need to be regularly questioned, optimized, and updated according to the latest developments in science and technology. Some dental instruments are more challenging to sterilize than others such as hollow, hinged products, handpieces, etc. They are to be processed single or double pouched which further increases this challenge.
The use of inappropriate sterilization cycles as well as unsuitable pre-disinfection and cleaning procedures lead to non-sterile items with direct implications towards the safety of the team and patients.
This lecture, which is illustrated with pictures and videos contributes elevating YOUR reprocessing procedures to “best practice”.
Topics that will be covered include:
- Reprocessing dental instruments
- Reprocessing phases (pre-disinfection to storage)
- Pre-disinfection: THE fundamental first step!
- Cleaning: THE most challenging step
- Sterilization: BE aware!
- Storage: In which conditions and for how long?
- More to sterilization
- Effectiveness and limitation of B, S and N type cycles.
- Particular instruments relate to specific challenges.
- Warning on “flash” cycles. “I realized some items might not be sterile!”
- Testing and validation.
- Traceability legal aspect
- Dentist’s Legal responsibility
- Fundamental requirements on traceability.
- W&H comprehensive traceability concept, step by step. So simple
- Load release and making the link to the patient.
- Basic rules to design and enhance sterilization areas
- Theoretical and practical examples.
- Reprocessing dental instruments
For more information, please whatsapp 6906 8688 or email
Guest Speaker

Christian Stempf
Hygiene Adviser to the W&H Group
Christian Stempf has worked extensively within the European dental industry. He has been involved in infection prevention for 30 years, with focus on reprocessing reusable medical devices, in particular sterilization and design of reprocessing areas.
He has gathered valuable practical knowledge and experience through his daily activities and contacts with healthcare professionals and experts in the field of infection prevention throughout the world. He is a member of the European (CEN-TC102) normalization committee participating to two working groups i.e. steam sterilizers and washer-disinfectors. He co-developed a high-end B-type sterilizer.
Christian offers vendor independent lectures for healthcare professionals as well as comprehensive courses for dental assistants worldwide.
25 Oct 2022
6.30pm to 8.30pm
Registration Fee
T32 Auditorium
Camden Medical Centre
1 Orchard Boulevard
Level 17
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