3D Printing in Dentistry: How to Incorporate it into Your Daily Practice

3D Printing in Dentistry: How to Incorporate it into Your Daily Practice

Guest Talk in collaboration with Henry Schein

Lecture Overview

This course invites you to learn about how to maximise digital workflow by embracing intraoral scanning and 3D printing to improve efficiency and patient satisfaction. Topics covered include acquisition of digital data, usage of available design services, 3D printing of most common dental applications and how to use this date to generate clinical results.

Lecture Outline

  • Latest updates in clinical CAD/CAM workflows and introduction to chair-side 3D
  • Dental 3D printing applications: splints, surgical guides, temporary and permanent
    crowns, dentures.
  • Case presentation
  • Hands-On:
    • Intraoral scanning
    • How to use CAD design services online
    • 3D printing of most popular dental applications
  • Q & A session

For more information, please whatsapp 6906 8688 or email education@dontiaalliance.com.


Dr Daniel Chan

Dr Daniel Chan

Dental Surgeon



8 October 2023



12pm to 6pm

Registration Fee





Dontia Digital Innovations
1  Venture Avenue
Perennial Business City
Singapore 608521
(Lift Lobby A)

Download the lecture brochure here for more information.

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