Influencing Patients: The Art & Science of Inspiring the ‘Yes’

Influencing Patients: The Art & Science of Inspiring the ‘Yes’ Dontia Alliance Study Club Register Overview Patients make decisions about their dentistry like other life decisions — on emotion. Clinicians should therefore connect the clinical conditions they observe to how the patient feels. The session will share the verbal skills required to inspire patients, so ... Read more

Restoration of Complete and Partial Edentulism

Restoration of Complete and Partial Edentulism Dontia Alliance Study Club Register Overview Over the past decade, many new technologies have come into dentistry. Some of them are highly advantageous for oral rehabilitative treatment and others are not, but treatment planning can be confusing and difficult due to the numerous options available for the numerous clinical ... Read more

Foolproof, Fast Single Crown Procedure

Foolproof, Fast Single Crown Procedure Dontia Alliance Study Club Register Overview Fixed prosthodontics is a major part of general dentistry and the prosthodontic specialty. Most general dentists treat patients with crowns or fixed bridges on almost every clinical day. The clinical procedures should be relatively simple, fast, and predictable.   Scanning and in-office milling are ... Read more

Atraumatic Removal of Teeth – Erupted and Impacted & Easy Third-Molar Extractions

Atraumatic Removal of Teeth - Erupted and Impacted & Easy Third-Molar Extractions Dontia Alliance Study Club Register Overview When tooth removal is indicated, the speed and ease of removal will affect the success of implants, pontics, or removable dentures.   Removing impacted third molars is similar to typical “surgical” extractions — something general dentists do ... Read more

Rescuing Failing Fixed Prosthodontic And Direct Restorations

Rescuing Failing Fixed Prosthodontic And Direct Restorations Dontia Alliance Study Club Register Overview Crowns and fixed prostheses can be costly to a typical general practice. There are numerous rescue techniques that can help increase their longevity. Some rescue procedures are well proven to increase the service potential of restorations, while others are less predictable. While ... Read more