The Challenge of Reprocessing Medical Devices – Get it Right

The Challenge of Reprocessing Medical Devices. Get it Right! Guest Talk in collaboration with QST Technologies Register Lecture Overview Asepsis involves complex procedures and protocols, which need to be regularly questioned, optimized, and updated according to the latest developments in science and technology. Some dental instruments are more challenging to sterilize than others such as ... Read more

3Shape Dental System Software Training

3 Shape Training Partner Session in collaboration with Henry Schein Register Lecture Overview The training aims to equip users in navigating the 3Shape Dental System Software successfully to achieve desirable outcomes.    Topics that will be covered include:    Managing cases using the Dental System Control Panel (DSCP)  Creating Order Form  Case creation  Scan options  ... Read more

Ivoclar Vivadent workflows – Direct Restoratives, VivaScan, CAD/CAM Chairside, Digital

Ivoclar Vivadent workflows – Direct Restoratives, VivaScan, CAD/CAM Chairside, Digital Partner Session in collaboration with Ivoclar Register Lecture Overview The training will cover the 4 main workflows offered by Ivoclar and how the suite of equipment is being used to ensure seamless and effective workflows, and the respective considerations for the user.   Direct restorative ... Read more

Maximise Your Time during Associateship & Be on Your Way to Starting Your Own Practice

Maximise Your Time during Associateship & Be on Your Way to Starting Your Own Practice Dontia Career Talk Register Session Overview Are you looking to maximise your time during associateship or thinking of starting your own practice?   Join us for this unique one-off session and fireside chat with Dr. Wong Keng Mun (Clinical Director of ... Read more

Treating Terminal Dentition & Total Edentulism with Implants

Treating Terminal Dentition & Total Edentulism with Implants Global Novas • Passion for Excellence Register Lecture Overview The full arch implant rehabilitation concept is a multi-procedural approach to traditional single-tooth implant placement. The concept employs four to six screw-retained, angled implants supporting highly durable full-arch prosthetics. Thanks to the latest technological advances, only a few ... Read more

What every Restorative Dentist needs to know about UARS

What every Restorative Dentist needs to know about UARS Global Novas • Passion for Excellence Register Lecture Overview Most dentists are familiar with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) but few have ever heard of the upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) or stopped to realise how the latter condition impacts upon their restorative dentistry practice and the ... Read more

Successful Dental Practice Transitions: Buy, Sell or Merge?

Successful Dental Practice Transitions: Buy, Sell or Merge? Global Novas • Passion for Excellence Register Lecture Overview Practice transitions may often be complicated to navigate. Whether you are looking to expand your practice through acquisition or merger or selling your practice, it would be useful to understand the challenges of practice transition and appreciate the ... Read more

Treatment Planning Involving Dental Implants

Treatment Planning Involving Dental Implants A module of Young Clinician Series Register Lecture Overview The ideal dental implant treatment plan creates a blueprint to achieve the best possible biological, functional and aesthetic outcomes for each patient, while ensuring long-lasting results. Successful outcomes depend on the clinician performing all steps throughout planning and therapy with careful ... Read more

Bonded Ceramic Restorations

Bonded Ceramic Restorations A module of Young Clinician Series Register Lecture Overview Fundamental aesthetic guidelines are the basis for accurate treatment planning and smile design. Their proper understanding and clinical application allow for minimally invasive tooth preparations and selection of the most appropriate and aesthetic ceramic materials. Ideal preparation design and understanding of cementation and ... Read more

Restoration of Root Canal Treated Teeth

Restoration of Root Canal Treated Teeth A module of Young Clinician Series Register Lecture Overview Endodontic therapy is carried out regularly in everyday dentistry, and a satisfactory restoration after the completion of the root canal treatment is not only mandatory, but also critical to the overall success of the treatment. Teeth requiring endodontic treatment need ... Read more