Management of Endodontic Pain and the Cracked Tooth

Management of Endodontic Pain and the Cracked Tooth Global Novas • Passion for Excellence Register Lecture Overview Endodontics is not just about how well we clean and obturate a tooth, the kinds of instruments, irrigants, and medicaments we use, or even the techniques employed in root canal therapy or root surgery. It's also about patient ... Read more

Treating Worn Dentition

Treating Worn Dentition Global Novas • Passion for Excellence Register Lecture Overview Worn dentition is becoming increasingly common in modern day dentistry and may present challenging treatment considerations to dentists. There are a large variety of conservative options available for treatment, but this variety may also lead to confusion and apprehension. Fear of the severe ... Read more

Treating Terminal Dentition & Total Edentulism with Implants

Treating Terminal Dentition & Total Edentulism with Implants Global Novas • Passion for Excellence Register Lecture Overview The full arch implant rehabilitation concept is a multi-procedural approach to traditional single-tooth implant placement. The concept employs four to six screw-retained, angled implants supporting highly durable full-arch prosthetics. Thanks to the latest technological advances, only a few ... Read more

What every Restorative Dentist needs to know about UARS

What every Restorative Dentist needs to know about UARS Global Novas • Passion for Excellence Register Lecture Overview Most dentists are familiar with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) but few have ever heard of the upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) or stopped to realise how the latter condition impacts upon their restorative dentistry practice and the ... Read more

Successful Dental Practice Transitions: Buy, Sell or Merge?

Successful Dental Practice Transitions: Buy, Sell or Merge? Global Novas • Passion for Excellence Register Lecture Overview Practice transitions may often be complicated to navigate. Whether you are looking to expand your practice through acquisition or merger or selling your practice, it would be useful to understand the challenges of practice transition and appreciate the ... Read more