Influencing Patients: The Art & Science of Inspiring the ‘Yes’

Influencing Patients: The Art & Science of Inspiring the ‘Yes’

Dontia Alliance Study Club


Patients make decisions about their dentistry like other life decisions — on emotion. Clinicians should therefore connect the clinical conditions they observe to how the patient feels. The session will share the verbal skills required to inspire patients, so they agree to treatment. Learn an active listening formula, how to ask open-ended questions, rise above conflict with consultative closings, handle objections, and reach a mutual agreement.


This session aims to share and discuss the following:


  • Applying the Language of Influence so the patient gets the dental treatment plan they deserve and desire
  • Using language skills that support co-discovery and create mutual trust.
  • Creating more purposeful, direct relationships, and advance the ‘yes.’

For more information, please whatsapp 6906 8688 or email


Dr Bruce Lee Chi Hong

Dr. Bruce Lee Chi Hong

Dental Surgeon



24 Nov 2022



6.30pm to 8.30pm



Open to dentists

from partner clinics



T32 Auditorium
Camden Medical Centre
1 Orchard Boulevard
Level 17

*Registration to open at the start of the month

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