Treatment of Mouth and Jaw Conditions with Osteopathy and Physiotherapy

Treatment of Mouth and Jaw Conditions with Osteopathy and Physiotherapy

Guest Talk in collaboration with City Osteopathy and Physiotherapy

Lecture Overview

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder, known as TMD or TMJ, is a group of conditions that cause pain and loss of normal function to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) or jaw joint. TMJ has become an increasingly common condition these days and has often gone undiagnosed. Headaches, teeth grinding (bruxism), migraines, vertigo, jaw soreness and neck pains are common symptoms of TMJ.


Osteopaths and physiotherapists help establish the root cause of TMJ which may be linked to the upper cervical spine or muscular imbalance. Treatments such as manipulation, massage or an exercise programme can help patients with TMJ.


In this lecture, we will cover topics including:


    1. What is Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder?
        • How can Osteopathy and Physiotherapy help with TMJ across various age groups


    2. Techniques during or post orthodontic work
        • Dry needling
        • Articulation
        • Soft tissue manipulation


    3. Hands-on osteopathic and physiotherapy treatment

Bonus: Hands-on treatment for participants

For more information, please whatsapp 6906 8688 or email

Guest Speaker


Arthur Codsi

Senior Osteopath

Arthur was born in Paris and graduated from the British School of Osteopathy in London with a Master’s degree. Arthur is a specialist in structural osteopathy with a keen interest for sport injuries and biomechanical issues. He focuses on treating muscular skeletal injuries and chronic pain using hands-on techniques such as soft tissue manipulation and short lever joint articulations.


Yan Ni Tan


Physiotherapist Yan Ni graduated from the Singapore Institute of Technology – Trinity College of Dublin with a BSc (Honours) in Physiotherapy. She has completed a comprehensive hospital experience in post-surgical, neurological, and outpatient musculoskeletal settings including sports physiotherapy at the Singapore Sports Medical Centre.



10 Nov 2022



6.30pm to 8pm

Registration Fee





T32 Auditorium
Camden Medical Centre
1 Orchard Boulevard
Level 17

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