Restoration of Complete and Partial Edentulism

Restoration of Complete and Partial Edentulism

Dontia Alliance Study Club


Over the past decade, many new technologies have come into dentistry. Some of them are highly advantageous for oral rehabilitative treatment and others are not, but treatment planning can be confusing and difficult due to the numerous options available for the numerous clinical situations encountered in dentistry and for edentulous patients.


This session aims to share and discuss the following:

  • Options available for oral rehabilitative treatment
  • Types of abutments for fixed and removable prostheses
  • Advantages and disadvantages of fixed and removable prostheses for Class I, II, III & IV situations
  • Advantages of fixed and removable prostheses for edentulous mandibles and edentulous maxillae

For more information, please whatsapp 6906 8688 or email


Dr Bruce Lee Chi Hong

Dr. Bruce Lee Chi Hong

Dental Surgeon



29 Sep 2022



6.30pm to 8.30pm



Open to dentists

from partner clinics



T32 Auditorium
Camden Medical Centre
1 Orchard Boulevard
Level 17

*Registration to open at the start of the month

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